
1.石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院,河北 石家庄 050043 ; 2.河北省风工程与风能利用工程技术创新中心,河北 石家庄 050043 ; 3.石家庄铁道大学 道路与铁道工程安全保障省部共建教育部重点实验室,河北 石家庄 050043 ; 4.中国铁路郑州局集团有限公司南阳工务段,河南 南阳 473010







国家自然科学基金资助项目(51278314)、河北省自然科学基金资助项目 (E2019210031)、中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(206Z5401G)、北京交通大学“结构风工程与城市风环境北京市重点实验室”开放课题(2023-1)资助

Research on the Wind Load Characteristics of Long-Span Cylindrical Coal Shed under Tornado

1.School of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043 , China ; 2.Innovation Center for Wind Engineering and Wind Energy Technology of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050043 , China ; 3.Key Laborato⁃ ry of Roads and Railway Engineering Safety Control of China Ministry of Education, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043 , China ; 4.China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd.Nanyang Engineering Section, Nanyang 473010 , China

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    为了探究龙卷风作用下大跨柱面煤棚结构风荷载特性,以某大跨柱面煤棚为工程背景,采用CFD数值模拟方法分析了龙卷风移动速度、角度路径和径向距离对大跨柱面煤棚风荷载的影响规律,并根据分析结果对煤棚表面龙卷风荷载进行风压分区,为工程设计提供建议。研究结果表明:龙卷风作用下煤棚表面风荷载以风吸力为主, 结构位于d=0Rm 位置处,煤棚表面风压系数呈中心对称分布,结构位于d=1.0Rm 位置处,煤棚表面存在最大风压系数差,最大及最小风压系数差值约为负风压系数极值的1.88倍;龙卷风移动速度的增加使右侧边区的流动分离现象增强,风压绝对值随之增大,但当龙卷风移动速度到达一限值后,风压系数不会增加并有下降的趋势;相比 0°路径,在45°角路径下,煤棚表面最大负风压系数为-1.8,在90°角路径下,煤棚右下角部流动分离现象减弱,最大负风压绝对值随之减小;龙卷风移动速度对A2 区及D区影响较大,在同一角度路径下,龙卷风移动速度不同时,A2 区风压系数绝对值变化幅度最高可达28%,D区风压系数绝对值变化幅度最高可达46%,相较其他路径,在90°角路径下,除B2 区之外的分区风压系数差别较大,较大风压均出现在角部及边缘区域,工程设计时应加强结构角部及边缘区屋面板的设计。


    To investigate the wind load characteristics of the long-span cylindrical coal shed structure under tornado action, a long-span cylindrical coal shed was taken as the engineering case. CFD numerical simulation methods were used to analyze the effect of tornado moving speed, angle path, and radial distance on the wind load of the long-span cylindrical coal shed. Based on the analysis results, wind pressure zoning on the coal shed surface under tornado load was conducted to provide recommendations for engineering design. The results showed that, under tornado action, the wind load on the coal shed surface was primarily dominated by wind suction. The wind pressure coefficient on the coal shed surface exhibited a centrally symmetric distribution at the position d= 0Rm . The maximum wind pressure coefficient difference occurred on the coal shed surface at d= 1.0Rm , with the maximum wind pressure coefficient difference being about 1.88 times the extreme negative wind pressure value. The increase of tornado moving speed strengthened the flow separation phenomenon in the right-side edge zone, causing an increase in the absolute value of the wind pressure. However, once the tornado moving speed reached a threshold, the wind pressure coefficient stopped increasing and began to decrease. Compared to the 0° path, at the 45° angle path, the maximum negative wind pressure coefficient on the coal shed surface was ?1.8. At the 90° angle path, the flow separation phenomenon in the lower right corner of the coal shed weakened, and the absolute value of the maximum negative wind pressure decreased. The tornado moving speed had a greater influence on zone A2 and zone D. Under the same angle path, when the tornado moving speed varied, the absolute value of the wind pressure coefficient in the A2 area changed by up to 28%, and the absolute value of the wind pressure coefficient in the D area changed by up to 46%. Compared to other paths, at the 90 ° angle path, the wind pressure coefficient differences in regions excluding the B2 zone were larger, with higher wind pressure observed in corner and edge areas. Engineering design should therefore focus on strengthening the design of the roof panels in the corner and edge areas of the structure.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-05-20
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  • 在线发布日期:2025-01-13
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