Abstract:The instability failure process and characteristics of base-covered slopes, characterized by aloose upper deposit and underlying bedrock, differ significantly from other slopes under rainfall andseismic action. The time interval between rainfall and earthquake significantly affects their coupling ef-fect. Using a self-made model box, shaking table model tests were conducted on base-covered slopesto study the influence of different rainfall cessation durations on slope stability, as well as the instabili-ty characteristics and failure modes under seismic action after different stationary durations post-rain-fall. The test results showed that the failure mode of the slope exhibited transitional failure regardlessof the time interval between rainfall and earthquake. After reaching a certain rainfall intensity, the soilmoisture content and pore water pressure of the slope increased sharply during the rainfall, and de-creased continuously to a stable state with the increasing stationary duration after rainfall stopped.With the increase of the stationary duration, the critical acceleration of slope instability increased,showing a positive correlation with the stationary duration.