Abstract:To investigate the seismic performance of masonry walls reinforced with ultra-high ductileconcrete (UHDC), low-cycle repeated loading tests were conducted on two solid walls and two cavi-ty walls. The results showed that, compared to unreinforced walls, the load-bearing capacity of thesolid walls and cavity walls increased by 31% and 223%, respectively, while the peak displacementdecreased by 30% and 471%, respectively. The UHDC-reinforced masonry walls were modeled us-ing OpenSees software to assess the impact of various factors on seismic performance, including re-inforcement layer thickness, reinforcement mode, and axial compressive stress. The results indicat-ed that, for solid walls, when the reinforcement layer thickness was 10, 20, and 30mm, the peakload-bearing capacity increased by 16.0%, 36.2%, and 56.1%, respectively, while the peak dis-placement decreased by 28.3%, 26.7%, and 26.7%, respectively. For cavity walls, the peak loadbearingcapacity increased by 117.4%, 179.5%, and 243.4%, respectively, and the peak displace-ment increased by 345.5%, 522.7%, and 506.1%, respectively, when the reinforcement layerthickness was 10, 15, and 20mm. When the axial compressive stress was 0.6 MPa and 0.9 MPa,the peak load-bearing capacity of solid walls increased by 16.8% and 33.0%, respectively, com-pared to 0.3 MPa, while the peak displacement decreased by 12.0% and 16.0%, respectively. Com-pared to 0.15 MPa, the peak load-bearing capacity of cavity walls increased by 6.5% and 10.5%,with peak displacement increasing by 2.8% and 0.0%, respectively. When full-surface, obliquestrip, and orthogonal strip reinforcement methods were used, the peak load-bearing capacity of solidwalls increased by 36.2%, 12.0%, and 5.4%, respectively, with peak displacement decreasing by26.7%, 28.3%, and 28.3%, respectively. For cavity walls, the peak load-bearing capacity in-creased by 179.5%, 80.1%, and 39.3%, respectively, with peak displacement increasing by522.7%, 203.0%, and 203.0%, respectively. Finally, a formula for calculating the shear bearingcapacity of UHDC-reinforced masonry walls was proposed, which showed reliable accuracy whencompared with experimental and simulation results. The formula provides theoretical support for re-inforcement design.