Abstract:The system serviceability index of quantity (SSIQ), calculated based on hydraulic models,is a widely used indicator to evaluate the post-seismic performance of water distribution systems(WDS). However, using SSIQ as the objective function in seismic retrofit optimization models forWDS requires extensive hydraulic calculations, leading to time-consuming computational burden. Toreduce this burden, the node flow resilience (FR) indicator was improved by incorporating the impactof pipeline breakage and leakage energy loss, and a network energy indicator, energy resilience (ER),was proposed to represent the post-seismic performance of WDS. ER served as a proxy for SSIQ toquantify the objective function of a seismic retrofit optimization model. This indicator could be calculat-ed without the need for post-seismic hydraulic model calculations, which was achieved by using onlythe seismic failure probability of pipelines and the hydraulic parameters of WDS under normal opera-tions, thereby improving the computational efficiency of the optimization model. With the objectivesof maximizing the post-seismic performance and minimizing the retrofit costs of WDS, a multi-objec-tive optimization model for pipeline seismic retrofitting was established, with pipeline seismic retrofitmeasures as optimization variables. The performance of ER, FR, and two topological proxy indica-tors were compared. Network application results in the case study indicated that ER showed strongcorrelation with SSIQ, with the difference between the optimization schemes based on ER and thatbased on SSIQ being less than 3%. The computation time for the ER optimization model was lessthan 1% of that for SSIQ optimization model.