Abstract:This paper explores the application of the "normal-seismic-combination" concept in urbanemergency shelters to address the issue of lacking functional lavatories after earthquakes and to reduceresource waste in the construction of specialized emergency lavatories. It further delves into futuretrends of lavatories in urban emergency shelters, providing relevant design insights and developmentdirections for researchers. Through a detailed analysis of crowd flow, activity duration, and demo-graphic composition in post-earthquake urban emergency shelters, this paper identifies the needs of theaffected population for emergency lavatories. Building upon this foundation, it constructs an emergen-cy lavatory design framework that aligns with the needs of the public from four aspects: emergencyplanning and configuration, internal space, enclosure structure, and underground structure. Introduc-ing the concept of "normal-seismic-combination" into lavatory design helps reduce the materials re-quired for post-earthquake emergency lavatories while catering to diverse user needs. This concept of-fers a novel approach and serves as a crucial guideline in the design process, providing new ideas forthe construction and development of future emergency shelters and facilities.