Abstract:On July 20, 2021, Henan Province experienced an extreme rainstorm, triggering numeroussubgrade water damage incidents. Through on-site investigations of subgrade water damage, the regionaltopography, geomorphology, and hydrogeological conditions within the affected area were identified.A failure mode for loess embankment landslide was proposed, and the failure mechanism of theembankment landslide was analyzed through numerical simulations. The prevention technology of multiplesegmented control grouting with perforated steel pipes was used to stabilize the embankmentslope. Excavation investigations and high-density electrical methods were used to explore the grouting effectiveness of perforated steel pipes in reinforcing the loess embankment, and numerical simulationswere used to analyze the stability of the loess embankment slopes before and after grouting reinforcement.The research results indicate that: (1) Embankment landslides differ from superficial slope surfaceslides, often caused by low-lying terrain at the slope foot where precipitation accumulates at thefoot or lower part of the embankment slope, soaking and softening the embankment slope, resulting ininsufficient shear strength of the slope and causing landslides. (2) The numerical simulation results indicatethat the depth of accumulated water at the slope foot has no significant effect on the vertical stressfield of the embankment slope but significantly impacts the horizontal stress field and displacementfield of the side slope with accumulated water. As the depth of accumulated water increases, the maximumshear strain value of the embankment slope increases, and the stability coefficient decreases. (3)Excavation investigation and high-density electrical method results indicate that the perforated steelpipe grouting technology achieves good splitting grouting results in the loess strata, filling the internalpores of the loess slope with cement slurry, thereby isolating the internal water flow channels and suppressinginternal water erosion. (4) The numerical simulation results after the perforated steel pipegrouting reinforcement indicate that the stability of the embankment is significantly improved. The researchresults provide a reference for the railway system engineering department in water damage preventionand control work.